Middle Sepik River, Wom village school.
HEAPS has renovated, rejuvenated and furnished the once half completed Wom school building. With the kind assistance of the Wewak Schools Advisor this river village and its adjacent villages will now be able to obtain a posting for a Primary School teacher.New Classrooms for Sio. A Digicel Foundation PNG funded project with HEAPS support
Basakalo village school
Digicel Foundation PNG is a non-profit organisation that distributes and utilises funds on a charitable basis for the sole purpose of building communities and community spirit. The Foundation also invests in early learning and development programs within their Community Learning Centers (CLCs) which informally support pre-schools. To date the foundation has funded 31 CLCs which are now registered as recognised elementary schools.
Digicel provided 3 contractors who worked alongside the village people, sharing their building knowledge and skills. Together they constructed a double classroom with office, 2 toilets and 1 water tank. The completed building was furnished with 40 school desks and 12 solar lights.
HEAPS Australia assisted with securing boats and fuel to transport the building materials from Wasu, a 2.5 hour sea journey to the location site. It was a hard slog for the people transporting constructed steel frames, tons of wood and a 9,000 litre water tanks by small dingy. The stamina which was shown by the men who provided the physical loading and offloading, the digging and hauling of sand and gravel from rivers before or after a full working day in their vegetable gardens.
Children living in Sio walk long distances and cross a river each day to get to school. Children have dreams about their future and what they want to do when they grow up. Their new school provides the stepping stone in order to get there.
Donated Office goods and library books
Provided by-:
Seymour College – South Australia,
Broome Library – Western Australia,
Derby Secondhand Bookshop – Western Australia,
Kalamunda Library – Western Australia.