HEAPS International Foundation (Australia) LTD
Has charitable status registered with the Australian Charities and Not For Profit Commission (ACNC) and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), with Australian Taxation endorsement as a Deductible Gift Recipient. The goodwill of the Charity is to raise money, seek funds and provide resources to help the poor living in Papua New Guinea. Donations over $2 are tax-deductible.
Our competent Board members are a group of appointed people nominated for the overarching purpose of fulfilling the purpose of the Charity, and to promote the success of this. Since 2012 HEAPS (Australia) has matured into a small Charity which has gained public trust through acting justly, transparently and responsively.
HON KEN WYATT – Kenneth George Wyatt AM is an Australian former politician. He was a member of the House of Representatives from 2010 to 2022, representing the Division of Hasluck for the Liberal Party. He is the first Aboriginal person to be elected to the national House of Representatives and the 1st Aboriginal Minister for Indigenous Australians. PROFESSOR DAVID KAVANAMUR – David was appointed Managing Director of state-owned Kumul Consolidated Holdings (KCH) in 2021 after previously being its Chairman. An academic by training, he has a long and distinguished career in public administration. He has served as Economic and Infrastructure Adviser to PNG’s Prime Minister, delivered major economic development programs as a Senior Director at David has published extensively in the area of development and in 2010 lead the task force that developed the national strategic plan — PNG Vision 2050. He was the Foundation Professor of Management in the School of Business Administration at the University of Papua New Guinea and the chair of the Oceania Development Network. Before entering pubic administration, he was Foundation Professor of Management, Strategic Management Division at the University of PNG and holds a PhD from the University of Western Sydney.EXECUTIVE BOARD
SUSAN LAIRD MPH – Founder of HEAPS (AUSTRALIA) Ltd and Co-founder of HEAPS Inc PNG. She has a Masters Degree in Public Health from James Cook University Queensland Australia. Working as an Indigenous Health Consultant for 25 years. For a further 21 years she was employed with the Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Service and was the Founder/Producer of HEATworks their Health Promotion Unit, she has been on a number of Australian state and national working parties. DR GILBERT HIAWALYER – Currently working as a Public Health Specialist, Data Impact/Vital Strategies. Previously a Public Health Consultant for WHO. For 12 years he was the Assistant Representative United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Has a Doctorate of Public Health from James Cook University. Masters Degree in Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London United Kingdom. Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor Surgery University of Papua New Guinea. MBBS (PNG), MSc-Epid.(UK), Dr. PH(Aust), Dip. LSHTM (UK)., MACTM(Aust). CHRIS MITCHELL – Broome Shire President and a JP. A Director with BOAB Health. He is the founder and leader of the Native Animal Rescue Broome, which cares for wildlife in collaboration with other community organisations and initiatives. Chris is a Kimberley Snake expert. He retired in 2020 from the position as the Executive Officer of Regional Development Australia – Kimberley for 13 years. A serving Shire Councillor (27 years) and current Chair of the Kimberley Zone of Councils. A Ministerial appointee to the Rural and Remote Education Advisory Council, and a member of the Broome District Health Advisory Council. He is a State Councillor and a State representative on a number of Emergency Management committees.FINANCE MANAGEMENT
SAMANTHA Mc CAUGH – CPA with more than 25 years experience gained across the not-for-profit sector, local government, commercial and state government agencies. Sam launched her accounting practice in 2010 in the Kimberley region of Western Australia and focuses on working with a not-for-profit client base in the region.LEGAL ADVISOR
DR BRETT DAVIES – CTA, AIAMA, BJuris, LLB, Dip Ed, BArts(Hons), LLM, MBA, SJD – is an Adjunct Professor at The University of WA Law School, Adjunct Reader at the Curtin Business School and a practising lawyer at Legal Consolidated. Specialising in tax and pension systems, Dr Davies donates his time to PNG authorities for the improvement of the taxation system. Dr. Davies has a strong interest in volunteering having served on the Library Board of WA, Chair of the Art Gallery of WA Foundation, National Chair of the Law Council’s Law Management Group and Chair of the Graduate and Academic Standards Committee.